Blog Archives

The Hunger Games: San Rafael, CA

The Hunger Games

The REAL Deal!

If you’ve been following the weirder news that comes out of my town, you may have heard that the Los Angeles City Council has officially adopted a resolution endorsing Meatless Monday. This is all well and good, except that tonight is Monday, and I don’t have a whole lot of meatless options in my freezer or fridge. Looks like it’s a dinner of quesadillas and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for me. While I ponder less starving-student-styled culinary options, let’s go back to the halcyon days when citizens were free to eat what they wanted to, on any day of the week. The halcyon days of… four weeks ago. Read the rest of this entry

Nostalgia Trip: Richmond, CA

Nostalgia Trip

May or may not have been inspired by "The Expendables".

People seem obsessed with nostalgia these days. From the number one movie in America featuring all the top grossing action movie stars (from the 1970’s, 80’s, and 90’s) to the sudden and prominent revival of grunge music (not that there’s anything wrong with that), it just seems like people want to escape the troubles of today and travel back to simpler times. If nothing else, I am a man of the people, and so I present my latest Nostalgia Trip. Read the rest of this entry